Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week 10 Update

Wondering why the update took so long?  Cause we all picked the same damn team!  What do you want a best pick of the week and the Goat Pick?!  No!  Everyone picked the Bucs!  As Will Ferrell once said "It's the same face!  Don't you see?!  I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here!"  Well I am.  The only person not to take the Bucs this week was Nick Lamb.  So there is your shoutout Nick.  Consider this your pick of the week.  Without putting any more effort into this (because let's be honest, no one else did when they saw this matchup) here are the results this week.

NameWeek 10ResultStanding
Paul AndrewsF'in Out!Already Out
Marcus ArnoldF'in Out!Already Out
Justin BeldingF'in Out!Already Out
Joe ChurchF'in Out!Already Out
Kevin ClarkeF'in Out!
Sam FinleyF'in Out!Already Out
Dan FitzpatrickF'in Out!Already Out
Sam Heinlein1 Strike
Neil JubitzF'in Out!Already Out
Pat KellyBucs
Nick LambColts1 Strike
Ryan McAndrewBucs1 Strike
Drew MillarF'in Out!Already Out
Matt NicholsF'in Out!Already Out
Bobby PhilbrookBucs
Ryan PurcellF'in Out!Already Out
Kyle ShultzF'in Out!Already Out
Dan StoneF'in Out!Already Out
Trent StriplinBucs
Erik WeissBucs1 Strike
Michael ZahlerF'in Out!Already Out

So there you have it.  It looks like this league may infact go the distance now. 


Somewhat more exciting.  Ok....not really.  Everyone picked the Bucs again except two which gives me juuuuuuust enough to talk about.

Pick of the Week!

Goes to Michael Zahler.  Michael wins this week for actually picking the Bills who previously had not won a game.  Defying all logic and mostly because this was probably the only time the Bills will ever win, he gets the pick of the week.  To water this exciting award down some, the Bills were favored to win this game and Michael picked them so that he would get knocked out because "this league stresses me out too much."

Worst Pick of the Week

Goes to Paul Andrews for being the only person to have a wrong pick in the US this entire week.  You also picked the Lions so regardless of who they were playing it looks poorly when you choose incorrectly.  Thank you Paul, you brought it excitement to us all with your Donk pick of the week.  Did I mention the Bills were favored?

On to the standings!

NameWeek 10Result
Paul AndrewsLionsLoss1 Strike
Marcus ArnoldBucs
Kevin ClarkeBucs
Dan FitzpatrickBucs1 Strike
Pat KellyBucs
Nick LambBucs1 Strike
Ryan McAndrewBucs
Ryan Purcell1 Strike
Trent StriplinBucs
Michael ZahlerBills1 Strike

Also, most of you still have not paid.  I have a little over half of the money in.  Some of you have been in touch with me about getting it to me, but others I have heard absolutely nothing from.  Get it in ASAP.  I will come beckoning...


McPool Master